Gwyn Redgers

Turning memories into memoirs

Memories can be one of the great pleasures of life. Moreover the longer you live (and I am now over 80), the richer and greater the store. But how can these pleasures be shared?

One answer is by writing. That is the challenge of turning ‘memories’ into ‘memoirs’, of whatever kind. It has been – and continues to be – an enjoyable challenge. These three published books are the result:

My Speaking Journey

My Speaking Journey

The author, Gwyn Redgers, first came across a speakers club almost 35 years ago, and has been a member ever since.

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Those Trinity years

In this fascinating memoir, Gwyn Redgers tells of his undergraduate years at a leading Cambridge college back in the 50s. It was a time…

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C’est la Vie

C’est la Vie

Memoirs come in many forms. In my case it is a showcase collection – a mixed bag, if you like, of interesting and sometimes unexpected happenings – to me, by me, affecting me – and over the very long period of 80 years from a wartime childhood to today’s technocratic (but still sadly warring) age.

In a word, ‘That’s life’, or at least ‘my life’. I invite you to dip into its pages.

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